Catalyst Blockchain Manager Features

Leverage the most complete enterprise-grade blockchain management solution, as Enterprise Software or as a service.

They have already benefited from CATALYST

Isabel group logoFNZ logoHowest logo4air logoThe Tie logo
CATALYST is developed by
IntellectEU logo horizontal
- An international technology company focused on digital finance and emerging technology solutions.

How we do it?

Blockchain Solutions Simplified

Choose your protocol. Launch application, and Onboard participants.

Speed up your Development, Deployment, Maintenance and Integration.

Highly reactive and responsive support team helping you to rapidly solve any reported issues.

Blockchain as a service

Build and maintain enterprise-grade blockchain application networks using our infrastructure.

Move directly to your business logic. Choose your protocol and get started immediately.

Migrate on any infrastructure later on

Flexibility & Ease

We place the highest focus on Quality and User Experience. Catalyst offers streamlined usability and outstanding flexibility in deployment.

Products and benefits for your business

We have engineered a solution that overcomes all of the typical hurdles associated with bringing your blockchain solution to market.

Benefit from years of blockchain experience in production. We provide you the means and the expertise to create, free of obstacles.

products and benefits bg
Reliability & Monitoring
  • Failover mechanisms
  • Backup & recovery
  • Simplified upgrade workflows
  • Technical and application monitoring
  • Integrate with existing tooling
  • Active monitoring capabilities
Management & Operations Console
  • Manage Networks
  • Manage Organizations
  • Manage Consortium proposals
  • Manage Nodes
  • Manage Smart Contracts
Intuitive User Interface & API
  • Focus on user experience
  • Clear and Consistent
  • CI/CD Integration
  • Access to all Ledger capabilities

Catalyst in numbers

set of blocks logo
Cost reduction
Faster to go live

Core features

High Availability & Monitoring
High Availability & Monitoring

Failover mechanisms, disaster and recovery strategies, and multi-site high availability deployments. Simplified migration between versions, technical and application monitoring, as well as integration with existing monitoring tools.

Cloud-agnostic Deployment

Truly no vendor lock-in. Any cloud service provider, hybrid, or on premises hosting. Options for deployment of a cluster in multiple availability zones.

Unified Management & Operations Console

Manage networks, organizations, consortium proposals, nodes, smart contracts and more.

Intuitive User Interface & API

Clear and consistent, with streamlined access to all functionalities via our user interface & API.


Clients grow successful with us

These businesses have already benefited. And you should as well.

“Setting up has been a joy”

Using the Catalyst Console for setting up the Hyperledger Fabric network has been a joy. It makes it a lot easier to deploy production-ready organizations with their respective nodes.

“Foundation for our solution”

We were able to lay a foundation for a robust SAF tracking solution that enables easy, transparent, efficient, and secure data sharing, and we look forward to working with IntellectEU to scale this into its next phase.”